How Corporate Worship Shapes Us
When we gather on Sundays, we rehearse a way of life together--we embody a foretaste of our one hope. Each Sunday we practice (in the double sense of that word) this way of life together in our liturgy, with the hope that our corporate worship not only glorifies God and coheres with our profession, but that it also forms us to be the people that God calls us to be. In other words, our Sunday worship trains us for everyday life, in the same way that what you practice, the habits and skills you develop through conditioning, drills, or scales will play out on the field, or the court, or the keyboard, or the guitar strings. And so, each Sunday we practice the practices that are generated from the revelation of God--Father, Son, and Holy Spirit: we start each morning by acknowledging that God is already at work in our lives; with our prayer of invocation we say, “Lord, help us to be what you have called us to be”; we hear afresh His call to exclusive worship--for His glory and our good...