"...we know creation properly by means of wisdom, not
techne...wisdom knows the world belongs to God, that it can be understood properly only in light of that relationship, that life is found only this way, and that a love for God and for creation rightly aligned with God's purposes in the only way to life...
Techne seduces us into thinking that it is something that we can control and by which we can also control our world...
techne is a false god that drains life from us by weaving a lie about the world and life...[it] requires that humans master their world. There is no God to trust that with that which we cannot understand or, understanding that which we cannot control or predict. And so we are driven to eradicate mystery, and by doing so we embrace a withered portrayal of life."
Jonathan Wilson, God's Good World: Reclaiming the Doctrine of Creation, pgs. 20-21
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