A Compelling Vision for STEM Education
Our provost at LeTourneau University has set forth a compelling vision as he explains what we mean when we say we are "The Christian Polytechnic University". It is a vision for STEM education that includes a robust liberal arts foundation that is shaped and informed by God's self-revelation as the One who holds all things together (Col. 1.17). LeTourneau University has a unique organizational history which positions us to offer a comprehensive educational experience that is deeply rooted in the interface between technology, science, theology, and Christian discipleship which is enhanced by the important contribution of the Humanities. We all (faculty from a variety of academic disciplines) have something to contribute to this compelling vision.
As I mentioned in an earlier post, we are approaching a "perfect storm" scenario: as we are growing exponentially in our capabilities to change, modify, and manipulate our world, we are also exponentially growing ignorant in our understanding of what it means to be human or even how people over time have wrestled with this question, in part because the humanities and theology are being excised from the educational experience in most universities.
Thank you, Dr. Mason. To request your copy, email him at stevenmason@letu.edu.
As I mentioned in an earlier post, we are approaching a "perfect storm" scenario: as we are growing exponentially in our capabilities to change, modify, and manipulate our world, we are also exponentially growing ignorant in our understanding of what it means to be human or even how people over time have wrestled with this question, in part because the humanities and theology are being excised from the educational experience in most universities.
Thank you, Dr. Mason. To request your copy, email him at stevenmason@letu.edu.
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