
Showing posts from June, 2022

Summer: An Opportunity to Develop Life-Giving Rhythms

 Article can be found here .  Summer is officially here! People often think of the New Year as the time to make resolutions and develop new habits like eating better or going to the gym. What is often overlooked is that summer provides us with opportunities for course adjustments as well. Often our normal daily and weekly rhythms are disrupted or altered by summertime. Kids are out of school; there is more daylight; we take vacations, etc. Because of this, summer is a good opportunity to reflect upon, and even reconsider, what our daily and weekly rhythms are and how they might be shaping us. There is a saying in business: “culture eats strategy for lunch”. In other words, a business can have the best plans in the world, but the daily rhythms, attitudes, and habits of the company—the culture—will ultimately determine how successful the business becomes. And good strategy cannot overcome a bad work culture. The same is true for our personal lives. We can have the best...