
Showing posts from June, 2020

What do we need to be fully human?

We all want to be the best version of ourselves. But what do we need to get there? What do we need to be able to be all that we were made to be? What do we need in order to fulfill our calling, in order to live out our purpose in life, to become the best you that you can be? There are two prevalent answers in our world today. Some would say that our most pressing need is information —education and know-how, that’s what we need more than anything else. What we lack is knowledge . For this reason, science and technology are the key to becoming all we can be because they give us the power to know and the power to make our knowledge work for our best interests and achieve our goals. Christians often modify this assumption a bit by saying that what we need is a proper view of the world, a Christian worldview. This Christian worldview allows us to apply proper knowledge to life circumstances, enabling us to become all that we were made to be. Others would say that we need freedom to be our b...

Trinity Sunday 2020: a homily on Genesis 1-2, COVID-19, and George Floyd

Trinity Sunday 2020   Genesis 1.1-2.8 Psalm 8 2 Corinthians 13.11-13 Matthew 28.16-20   Prayer of Invocation Father, set us free from the bondage of sin, and give us liberty-- the freedom to love and to want the things that you love and want-- as we participate in the abundant life which you have made known to us by Your Spirit in your Son our Savior Jesus Christ; who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen   Prayer of Illumination   Spirit of God, breathe life into our hearts, our minds, and our hands and feet--that we may receive your gift of life with joy, and bear witness to your goodness and the world as it truly is.     “I can’t breathe.” Black lives matter.  All lives matter. “Really semantics? That would be like if your wife came up to you and said ‘do you love me?’ and you were like ‘baby I love everybody, what are you talking about? I love all God’s children, what are you saying? You’re no d...