Sermon Notes: The Fifth Sunday in Lent 2020
Psalm 130 Ezekiel 37.1-14 Romans 8.6-11 John 11.1-45 What Are We Waiting For? What are we waiting for? That is a question we have all asked in the past several weeks! As we complain about, and perhaps even debate, the shelter-in-place order and all the ways it has inconvenienced our lives and impacted our futures, we are left waiting. Waiting for the virus to run its course; waiting for the spread to end; waiting to get back to work; waiting for more bandwidth; waiting for the rain to stop so we can go outside; waiting for the day we can see our friends; waiting for the time when we can be together again and pass the peace after sharing in the life of God at the Eucharist table. Our texts for this Fifth Sunday in Lent remind us of what we are ultimately waiting for: the restoration of all things; the defeat of death; the promises of God to become actualized. The circumstances surrounding COVID-19 remind us that we are still in the wilderness. (In the prosp...