What's a metaphor?

I am working on a monograph that wrestles with the way in which the identity, prerogatives, mission, and privileges of Israel are applied to the addressees of the letter of 1 Peter, whom most scholars agree are predominantly if not exclusively Gentile in makeup. One of the most common ways that scholars make sense of the way in which Israelite identity is being appropriated by Gentiles in 1 Peter, is to speak of Israel as a metaphor. In other words, in the letter of 1 Peter, they say, "Israel" is being used as a metaphor (or the controlling metaphor) for the church and its mission in society. Some argue that using Israel as a metaphor is problematic, even imperialistic, while others seem rather indifferent to the enterprise and consider it to be benign in nature. I am not going to weigh in on this at this time, but this common move to refer to what is happening in 1 Peter as metaphor, coupled with the wide range of reactions that scholars have regarding the usage of metapho...